Marco Marcatili

Veterinary Surgeon

Marco Marcatili - Clinical Director
Marco Marcatili Cert.AVP Dip.ECVS MRCVS Clinical Director

Marco graduated from Milan University (Italy) in 2011. He then worked for one year as a freelance anaesthetist in Italy before moving to Belgium for a 6 months internship. 

Marco undertook a second internship at Pool House Equine Clinic and a stint in the ambulatory team. Following this, Marco completed a 4 year residency and Master’s program between Pool House Equine Clinic and the University of Glasgow. During his residency Marco developed a keen interest in both soft tissues and orthopaedic surgery.

In 2019 he successfully passed the qualifying examinations of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. Marco joined the surgical team of Pool House Equine Clinic in 2019.